What is the importance of showing a zone of proximal development in the learners during classroom communication?

What is the importance of showing a zone of proximal development in the learners during classroom communication?
Psychologist Lev Vygotsky coined the term “zone of proximal development” (ZPD) in the 1930s to describe the sweet spot where instruction is most beneficial for each student—just beyond their current level of independent capability. You can think of ZPD as the difference between what a child can do independently and what they are capable of doing with targeted assistance (that is, scaffolding).

Instruction focused within each student’s ZPD is neither too difficult nor too easy; it is just challenging enough to help them develop new skills by building on those that have already been established. Students are most receptive to instruction within their ZPD because it represents the next logical step in their ongoing skill development. In “The zone of proximal development (ZPD), the power of just right,” Brooke Mabry, coordinator of Professional Learning Design at NWEA, further unpacks Vygotsky’s work and the importance of helping students be challenged—just enough.

How to find a ZPD

A ZPD changes as children learn and grow, so without reliable information on students’ constantly evolving ZPDs, it is difficult to identify who is ready for more challenging material and who needs additional assistance. An interim assessment, like MAP® Growth™, can help you understand what students know—and what they’re ready to learn next. You can also locate a ZPD through classroom assessment.

Instruction focused within each student’s ZPD is neither too difficult nor too easy; it is just challenging enough to help them develop new skills.

The benefits of working with a ZPD

Understanding how to locate and use each student’s ZPD can help you plan more targeted instruction for your whole class, small groups, and individuals. Ultimately, aligning classroom teaching strategies to students’ ZPDs can help educators more effectively guide all students in their early childhood learning. Those early years are especially critical because brain development is at its highest, and research shows children who receive quality education when they’re very young are “less likely to be placed in special education, less likely to be retained in a grade, and more likely to graduate from high school than peers who didn’t attend such programs.”

The common thread between formative assessment practices and the practice of identifying and teaching within the ZPD is the idea that in order for teaching and learning to be effective, instruction should focus on skills and knowledge that are attainable for students. With constant feedback—or scaffolding—we know that students’ learning and understanding can continue to develop at an appropriate pace.

Learn more about ZPD and how to locate it for your students in our blog series.

The zone of proximal development is the gap between what a learner has mastered and what they can potentially master with support and assistance. This concept, highly influential in educational psychology, was first introduced by Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky in the 1930s.


Lev Vygotsky, who was interested in education and the learning process, felt that standardized tests were an inadequate measure of a child's readiness for further learning. He contended that standardized tests measure the child’s current independent knowledge while overlooking the child’s potential capability to successfully learn new material.

Vygotsky recognized that a certain amount of learning happens automatically as children mature, a notion championed by developmental psychologists like Jean Piaget. However, Vygotsky also believed that in order to advance their learning even further, children must engage in social interaction with "more knowledgeable others." These more knowledgeable others, like parents and teachers, introduce children to the tools and skills of their culture, such as writing, math, and science.

Vygotsky passed away at a young age before he could fully develop his theories, and his work wasn’t translated from his native Russian for a number of years following his death. Today, however, Vygotsky's ideas are important in the study of education—especially the process of teaching.


The zone of proximal development is the gap between what a student can do independently and what they can potentially do with the help of a "more knowledgeable other."

Vygotsky defined the zone of proximal development as follows:

“The zone of proximal development is the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.”

In the zone of proximal development, the learner is close to developing the new skill or knowledge, but they need assistance and encouragement. For example, imagine a student has just mastered basic addition. At this point, basic subtraction may enter their zone of proximal development, meaning that they have the ability to learn subtraction and will likely be able to master it with guidance and support. However, algebra is probably not in this student's zone of proximal development yet, as mastering algebra requires an understanding of numerous other fundamental concepts. According to Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development offers learners the best chance to master new skills and knowledge, so the student should be taught subtraction, not algebra, after mastering addition.

Vygotsky noted that a child's current knowledge is not equivalent to their zone of proximal development. Two children might receive equal scores on a test of their knowledge (e.g. demonstrating knowledge of at an eight-year-old level), but different scores on a test of their problem-solving ability (both with and without adult help).

If learning is taking place in the zone of proximal development, only a small amount of assistance will be required. If too much assistance is given, the child may learn only to parrot the teacher rather than mastering the concept independently.


Scaffolding refers to the support given to the learner who is attempting to learn something new in the zone of proximal development. That support might include tools, hands-on activities, or direct instruction. When the student first begins to learn the new concept, the teacher will offer a great deal of support. Over time, the support is gradually tapered off until the learner has fully mastered the new skill or activity. Just as a scaffold is removed from a building when construction is complete, the teacher's support is removed once the skill or concept has been learned.

Learning to ride a bike offers an easy example of scaffolding. At first, a child will ride a bike with training wheels to ensure that the bike stays upright. Next, the training wheels will come off and a parent or other adult may run alongside the bicycle helping the child to steer and balance. Finally, the adult will step aside once can ride independently.

Scaffolding is typically discussed in conjunction with the zone of proximal development, but Vygotsky himself did not coin the term. The concept of scaffolding was introduced in the 1970s as an expansion of Vygotsky's ideas.

Role in the Classroom

The zone of proximal development is a useful concept for teachers. To ensure that students are learning in their zone of proximal development, teachers must provide new opportunities for students to work slightly beyond their current skills and provide ongoing, scaffolded support to all students.

The zone of proximal development has been applied to the practice of reciprocal teaching, a form of reading instruction. In this method, teachers lead students in executing four skills—summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting—when reading a passage of text. Gradually, students take over the responsibility for utilizing these skills themselves. Meanwhile, the teacher continues to offer assistance as needed, reducing the amount of support they provide over time.


  • Cherry, Kendra. “What is the Zone of Proximal Development?” Verywell Mind, 29 December 2018. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-the-zone-of-proximal-development-2796034
  • Crain, William. Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications. 5th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall. 2005.
  • McLeod, Saul. “Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding.” Simply Psychology, 2012. https://www.simplypsychology.org/Zone-of-Proximal-Development.html
  • Vygotsky, L. S. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Harvard University Press, 1978.

What is the importance of zone proximal development?

The main idea of the Zone of proximal development is that a person with more knowledge can enhance a student's learning by guiding them through a task slightly above their aptitude. As the learner gains more competence, the expert steadily stops guidance until the learner becomes able to do the task by themselves.

How will you apply the zone of proximal development in your classroom?

To apply the concept of the zone of proximal development, teachers instruct in small steps according to the tasks a child is already able to do independently. This strategy is referred to as scaffolding. The teacher should also support and assist the child until he or she can complete all of the steps independently.

How can teachers support learning in the zone of proximal development?

To ensure that students are learning in their zone of proximal development, teachers must provide new opportunities for students to work slightly beyond their current skills and provide ongoing, scaffolded support to all students.

What teaching method helps children in the zone of proximal development?

Lev Vygotsky views interaction with peers as an effective way of developing skills and strategies. He suggests that teachers use cooperative learning exercises where less competent children develop with help from more skillful peers - within the zone of proximal development.