What of the following statements accurately describe the basic structure of Court cases in the United States quizlet?

By ruling against Congress and the elected branches of government, this justice is demonstrating judicial activism.

A conservative justice votes to force federal executive agencies to omit race as a factor in hiring decisions, even though Congress established these factors in a specific hiring program twenty years prior.

judicial activism

A conservative justice votes to keep strict environmental laws in place because they were put in place by Congress, even though he disagrees with them in principal.

judicial restraint

A liberal justice upholds detainment, without access to a lawyer, of illegal immigrants, despite a personal inclination to side with those detained.

judicial restraint

A liberal justice writes a dissent of a majority conservative decision that invalidates congressionally established campaign finance limits.

judicial restraint

What is the basic organizational structure of the federal court system quizlet?

The three-tiered structure of the federal courts, comprising U.S. district courts, U. S. courts of appeals, and the U. S. Supreme Court.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the challenge faced by the judiciary in interpreting the Constitution quizlet?

Which of the following statements accurately describes the challenge faced by the judiciary in interpreting the Constitution? The Constitution is silent concerning the approach that judges should take in deciding cases where the law is not completely clear.

What is the basic structure and function of the Supreme Court?

As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.

Which of the following types of cases does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction quizlet?

a court has original jurisdiction if it is the first court to hear a case. The SC has original jurisdiction in cases involving foreign dignitaries, one or more states, or cases involving other public ministers. Very small percentage of cases heard.