When providing diaper care to an infant after pyloric surgery, which approach is indicated

See also

Febrile child
Sepsis in neonates
Acceptable range of physiological variables  

Key points

  1. Infections are the most likely cause of an unwell neonate (<28 days corrected age) and young infant (<3 months), however several other serious conditions can have similar initial presentations 
  2. A fever in any neonate (>38°C) warrants initial investigation and empiric IV antibiotics
  3. Unwell infants can present with non-specific findings — a period of observation, serial examinations and baseline investigations are often helpful


  • Infection is the most common cause of illness, with urinary tract infections (UTI) the most common bacterial infection 
    • Fever is not always present, and neonates and young infants can present hypothermic (rectal temperature <36.5°C)
  • Neonates and young infants at particular risk include:
    • low birth weight and premature babies
    • those with a known medical condition eg congenital anomaly
    • babies from socially disadvantaged families



  • Irritability
  • Fever
  • Lethargy or increased sleepiness
  • Poor feeding (volume taken in previous 24 hours <50% of normal)
  • Vomiting
  • Apnoea
  • Decreased tone
  • Past history of brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE) or seizures

Antenatal complications: IUGR, gestational diabetes, congenital abnormality, infections, medication and toxin exposure, previous child with early onset sepsis
Birth history:  Prematurity, GBS status, perinatal stress, prolonged rupture of membranes, maternal fever, resuscitation requirements
Poor Growth
Urine output: <4 wet nappies in 24 hours


General aspects of the child's behaviour and appearance provide the best indication of whether serious illness is likely

Features suggestive of an unwell child


Pallor (including parent/carer report) 


Lethargy or decreased activity 
Poor Feeding
Not responding normally to social cues 
Does not wake or only with prolonged stimulation, or if roused, does not stay awake 
Weak, high-pitched or continuous cry


Increased work of breathing 

Circulation and Hydration

Poor feeding 
Murmur, weak peripheral pulses
Persistent tachycardia 
Central CRT ≥3 seconds 
Dry mucous membranes, reduced skin turgor, sunken fontanelle  
Reduced urine output / Hypotension


Bulging fontanelle 
Neck stiffness 
Focal neurological signs 
Focal, complex or prolonged seizures


Non-blanching rash 
Fever for ≥5 days 
Swelling of a limb or joint 
Not using an extremity
Distended abdomen

Adapted from: Feverish illness in children  NICE guideline 2017

Causes that need to be considered in an unwell neonate and young infant


Salient Features

 – Bacterial

UTI / Pyelonephritis
Others include:

Fever vomiting, poor feeding

  • Skin 

Skin erythema and tenderness

  • Bone or Joint

Reduced movement of limb

  • Bacteraemia/sepsis 
  • Pneumonia
  • Meningitis

Fever, tachycardia, tachypnoea, increased work of breathing
Irritable, nuchal rigidity or bulging fontanelle

– Viral


Tachypnoea, increased work of breathing

Primary HSV – in first 1 month of life

Skin vesicles (not present in 1/3 of neonates and can be afebrile), seizures.


Fever, poor feeding, lethargic, snuffly

Enterovirus or Parechovirus

Fever, poor feeding, irritable, possible seizures, persistent tachycardia (myocardial involvement)


Malrotation with volvulus

Bile-stained vomit

Pyloric stenosis

Progressive, non-bilious and projectile vomiting, mass , hypochloraemic hypokalaemic metabolic alkalosis

Incarcerated hernia

Irreducible inguinal swelling

Hirschsprung disease and Meconium ileus

Abdominal distention with absent or infrequent bowel motions

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC):

Abdominal distention, tenderness, vomiting, blood in stool


Intermittent severe abdominal pain, vomiting, pallor, lethargy and rectal bleeding (red currant stool)


Congenital cardiac disease 

Cyanosis, murmur (not always present), diaphoresis (sweating) with feeding, Cardiac failure (tachypnoea, enlarged liver, hypoperfusion), poor or absent peripheral pulses 

Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and other arrhythmias

Persistent marked tachycardia, pallor, poor feeding


Meconium aspiration

Meconium stained liquor

Transient Tachypnoea of Newborn and Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Tachypnoea, increased WOB , possible cyanosis and radiological features


Tachypnoea, hyperresonance, decreased breath sounds

Endocrine and Metabolic 

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Ambiguous genitalia, hypotension, dehydration, hyponatraemia, and hyperkalaemia, hypoglycaemia

Inborn errors of metabolism

Coma, hypotonia, seizures, jaundice, organomegaly, dysmorphism
Hypoglycaemia, metabolic acidosis


Acute bilirubin encephalopathy


Non Accidental Injury

Bruising, unexplained injury 

Brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE)



Any neonate and young infant who appears unwell should be assessed promptly and discussed with a senior doctor


  • For unwell neonates and young infants: Perform FBE, CRP, blood culture, urine (SPA), BSL, LP
  • Investigate according to likely cause (see table above)
    • Consider blood gases 
    • Consider chest X-Ray


  • All unwell neonates and young infants should receive:
    • early administration of empiric antibiotics (IV/IM/IO)
    • prompt management of sepsis
    • consider aciclovir
    •  adequate analgesia and sedation
  • Careful fluid management:
    • fluid resuscitation as required
    • maintenance fluids (account for oral intake)
  • Treatment targeted to underlying suspected cause
  • Consider a nasogastric tube on free drainage if bowel obstruction is suspected 
  • Early referral to the paediatric, surgical and/or sub-specialist teams as indicated
  • In neonates with suspected duct dependent congenital cardiac condition, consider IV prostaglandin.

Consider Consultation with local paediatric team when

Assessing anyunwell neonate or young infant

Consider transfer when

Child requiring care beyond the comfort level of the hospital

For emergency advice and paediatric or neonatal ICU transfers, see Retrieval Services

Consider discharge when 

  • The neonate/infant is clinically well and there is low likelihood of infection based on examination and negative infective indices
    • In this setting, and if cultures are negative at 48 hours, antibiotics can be ceased

Note: a clinically well child (≥3 months) with normal investigations can be discharged with follow up in 12-24 hours

Parent information sheet

Fever in children
Crying and unsettled children
Urinary tract infections and Urine samples
Interacting with your baby

Last updated December 2019

When assessing an infant suspected of having pyloric stenosis which of the following would the nurse expect to find?

Classically, the infant with pyloric stenosis has nonbilious vomiting or regurgitation, which may become projectile (in as many as 70% of cases), after which the infant is still hungry. Jaundice. The infant may develop jaundice, which is corrected upon correction of the disease. Dehydration and malnutrition.

Why is my baby still throwing up after pyloric stenosis surgery?

However, babies may still vomit for several days after surgery due to swelling of the surgical site of the pyloric muscle. The swelling goes away within a few days. Most babies will be taking their normal feedings by the time they go home. Babies are usually able to go home within two to three days after the operation.

How to fix pyloric stenosis in babies?

Surgery is needed to treat pyloric stenosis. The procedure (pyloromyotomy) is often scheduled on the same day as the diagnosis. If your baby is dehydrated or has an electrolyte imbalance, he or she will have fluid replacement before surgery.

What is pyloric stenosis in babies?

In pyloric stenosis, the pylorus muscles thicken, blocking food from entering the baby's small intestine. Pyloric stenosis is an uncommon condition in infants that blocks food from entering the small intestine.