When two or more people from one party negotiate with two or more people from the other side it is called quizlet?

1. Thing through a good outcome

2. Assess your needs and interests

3. Identify your BATNA

4. Improve your banta if possible

5. Determine your reservation price

6. Evaluate the trade offs between issues and issues

7. Assess the other sides BATNA

8. Assess the other sides interests

9. Anticipate the authority issue

10. Learn all you can about the people and culture on the other side

11. Strive for fairness by gathering external standards and criteria

12. Prepare for flexibility in the process - don't lock yourself into a rigid sequence

1 Contending/Competing
qActors pursue own outcomes strongly, show little concern for other party obtaining their desired outcomes

2 Yielding/Accommodating
qActors show little interest in whether they attain own outcomes, are quite interested in whether the other party attains their outcomes

3 Inaction/Avoiding
qActors show little interest in whether they attain own outcomes, little concern about whether the other party obtains their outcomes

4 Problem solving/Collaborating
qActors show high concern in obtaining own outcomes, as well as high concern for the other party obtaining their outcomes

5 Compromising
qActors show moderate concern in obtaining own outcomes, as well as moderate concern for the other party obtaining their outcomes

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Focus on the total package - don't get locked in only on salary or monetary compensation


Most important part of negotiation is often position:
• Responsibilities/job content, location, staff, resources,
expected hours, advancement potential, direct boss

Monetary compensation
• Base salary, sign-on bonus, year-end bonus, equity/ stock options, profit sharing, company match.

• Vacation, medical, retirement, incentive savings plans, day care, spousal assistance, relocation services, tuition reimbursement.

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Terms in this set (49)

With regard to negotiation, the winner's curse occurs when:

a negotiator makes an offer that is immediately accepted by the other party

A type of negotiation behavior known as reactive devaluation refers to:

a negotiator who does not know what he or she really wants, other than not wanting what the other party is offering

Negotiators should consider the impact of three types of risk with regard to their alternatives. These three types of risk include:

strategic risk, BATNA risk, and contractual risk

A negotiator's BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) determines the point at which a negotiator is prepared to:

walk away from the negotiation table

One strategy for improving one's BATNA in negotiation is to:

improve your alternative options before going to the negotiation table

In negotiation, buyers and sellers may adopt differing bargaining positions for an object, but their private valuations for the object should not differ as a consequence of who has possession. The endowment effect is best described as:

a tendency for people to value an object more once they own it

A negotiator's reservation point is a quantification of the negotiator's:


In negotiation, the fixed-pie perception is defined as:

the belief that concessions are necessary by one or both parties in order to reach an agreement

A dispute is best defined as a situation in which:

a claim is made by one party and rejected by the other party

Negotiators who have fixed pie perception usually adopt one of three mindsets:

They resign themselves to capitulating to the other side (soft bargaining). They prepare themselves for attack (hard barganing). They compromise in an attempt to reach a midpoint between their oppoising demands.

what is mixed-motive enterprise?

negotiation involves both cooperation and competition

What are three abilities to have for effective preparation?

Self-assesment, Other Assesment, situation assesment

What is a target point or aspiration point?

is when a negotiator would determine an ideal outcome

Uderaspiring Negotiator

sets his/her target too low which results in the winners-curse

Overaspiring negotiator or positional negotiator

too tough, sets the target point too high and is unwilling to make any concessions

Grass-is-greener negotiator

Negotiator who does not know what he or she really wants- only that he or she wants what the other party does not want to give- and does not want what the other party is willing to offer

reactive devaluation

A process of devaluing contribution or concessions that others make during a negotiation

What is an alternative to reaching an agreement?

Using the BATNA. Negotiators should be willing to accept any terms superior to their BATNA or reject any term that are worse then their BATNAs

What are focal points?

like anchors, are slaient numbers, figures, or values that appear to be valid but have no basis in fact.

What are sunk costs?

a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered

What is risk aversion?

Preferring a sure thing over a risky outcome

what is a refernce point

defines what a person considers to be a gain or loss

What are implications for negotiation?

Negotiators should consider the differential impact of three sources of risk in negotiation: strateic risk, BATNA risk, and contractual Risk

Strategic Risk

refers to the riskiness of the tactics that negotiators use at the bargaining table

BATNA risk

the more risk averse the negotiator,the more likey it is that she or he wil make greater concessions. Thus, given BATNAS of equal epxected value, the more risk averse negotiator will be in a weaker bargaining position.

Contractual Risk

The risk associated with the willingness of the other party to honor its terms

endowment effect

the value of an object should be the same, whether we are a buyer or a seller.

counterfactual thinking

the tendency to imagine alternative events or outcomes that might have occurred but did not

Sure thing principle

if alternative X is preferred to Y in the condition that some event, A, occurs, and if X is also preferred to Y in the condition that some event, A, does not occur, then X should be preferred to Y, even when it is not known whether A will occur

Why would people pay a fee to a consultant or intermediary to delay the decision when they would make the same coice either way?

Violations of the sure thing principle are rooted in the reasons people use to make their decisions

Overconfidence effect

refers to unwarrented levels of confidence in people's judgement of their abilities and the occurance of positive events and underestimating the likelihood of negative effects

Hidden table

The most important parties are not present at the negotiation table

Are parties monolithic?

Monolithic refers to whether parties on the same side of the table are in argreement with one another concering their interests in the negotiation.

One-shot negotiation

A transaction occurs, and no future ramifications accrue to the parties

repetitive negotiations

Situations in which negotiators must renegotiate terms on some regular basis

Long term & repetitive negotiations

negotiators must consider how their relationship evolves and how turst is maintained over time.

What are two major types of conflict in negotiations?

Consensus and Scarce resource conflict

consensus conflict

Occurs when one person's opinions, ideas, or beliefs are incompatible with those of another, and the two seek to reach an agreement of opinion

Scarce resource competition

Exists when people vie for limited resources. For example: when business partners are in conflict concerning how to divide responsibilities and profits, each ,ay feel he or she deserves more than the other

Is the negotiaition one of necessity or oppurtonity?

In many cases we must negotiate in other it is more of a luxury or oppurtonity. The recognition of negotiable oppurtonities is a key predictor of success in negotiation.

Transactional negotiations

Parties come together to exchange resources, such as when a buyer sees greater value in a seller's goods than the seller wants for them, and an exchange takes place


Negotiations take place because a claim has been made by one party and has been rejected by the other party

Linkage effects

The fact that some negotiations affect other negotiations


refer to whether a negotiationg party must have a contract approved by some other body or group.

final deadline

a dealine for one is a dealind for the other. The shortest final dealine is the one that counts, and if they dont have a deal by that point, then negotiators must reveal their BATNAs

Time-related costs

setting a final deadline on the negotiations can be helpful, especially if the passage of time is costly for the negotiator.

Time Horizon

The amount of time between the negotiation and the consequences or realization of negotiated agreements

Do negotiators communicate explicitly or tactily?

in a typical buyer-seller it is explicit. However in other situation, communicaiton is tacit and people communicate thru their actions.

Is precedent important?

In many negotiations precedent is important, not only in anchoring on a particular point or reference but also in defininf thw range of alternatives

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When two or more people from one party negotiate with two or more people from the other side it is called?

Conflict negotiation is when two or more persons with different priorities attempt to reach solutions that will be acceptable to everyone. Land-use competition between forestry, grazing, agriculture, and minerals.

What is it called when there is a negotiation between two parties?

Compromise is normally the basis of negotiation. Negotiations can take place between buyers and sellers, an employer and prospective employee, or governments of two or more countries.

What are the 2 negotiation types?

The two distinctive negotiation types are distributive negotiations and integrative negotiations. The Negotiation Experts' sales course and purchasing negotiation training teach both methods. Both types are essential to negotiating successfully in business.

What is the process of negotiation called whereby one party stands to gain at the other party's expense?

Distributive Negotiation Also referred to as 'Win – Lose', or 'Fixed – Pie' negotiation because one party generally gains at the expense of another party.