Which action would be most appropriate to lessen the feelings of rivalry among siblings quizlet?

During a health history assessment, the mother of a 10-year-old girl tells you that her daughter does not have time to "play" because she is busy going to gymnastics, cheerleading, art class, flute lessons, reading club, and soccer. What should the nurse's response be?

a) "Play helps children to develop cognitively, socially, physically, and emotionally."
b) "Wow, that is a lot of stuff for a girl your age."
c) "All of these other activities teach you as much as traditional play."
d) "It is understandable, not playing any more with all these other activities."

• Limiting time spent in physical inactivity
• Intake of about 1,200 calories a day
• Participation in a formal weight-control organization
• Participation in formal exercise classes
The type of weight-reduction program that will probably work best is one that emphasizes long-term lifestyle changes. Such a program should include intake of about 1,200 calories a day (no more than 30% as fat), with lifestyle changes such as a structured family meal, eliminating eating or snacking in front of the television, decreased portion sizes, and elimination of sugar-rich drinks. It should also include an active exercise program, including monitoring and limiting time spent in physical inactivity (watching television, playing computer and video games, surfing the Internet, or texting). Overweight school-age children often do well if a dieters' club is formed; they are not too young to participate in formal weight-control organizations. As a way of increasing daily activity, preadolescents do well with formal exercise classes because, again, they enjoy the support from other children. Rather than preparing special meals for just the obese child, the entire family probably needs to eat in a healthier manner. Caution children not to try faddish high-protein diets (as most adults should not), because such diets do not supply enough carbohydrates and may produce a heavy renal solute load (the breakdown product of proteins) to the kidneys.

Insist that the child return to school
Because the problem of school refusal is usually only partly the child's, the entire family generally requires counseling to resolve the issue. As a rule, once it has been established the child is free of any illness and the resistance stems from separation anxiety or phobia, the child should be made to attend school. Reinforcement by parents to go to school this way helps to prevent problems such as school failure, peer ridicule, or a pattern of avoiding difficulties. Because the child has only attended one day of class, it is far too soon to recommend that the child be held back a year, moved to another school, or homeschooled. In any case, these may not be options for the family, anyway.

During a health history assessment, the mother of a 10-year-old girl tells you that her daughter does not have time to "play" because she is busy going to gymnastics, cheerleading, art class, flute lessons, reading club, and soccer. What should the nurse's response be?

a) "Play helps children to develop cognitively, socially, physically, and emotionally."
b) "Wow, that is a lot of stuff for a girl your age."
c) "All of these other activities teach you as much as traditional play."
d) "It is understandable, not playing any more with all these other activities."

• Limiting time spent in physical inactivity
• Intake of about 1,200 calories a day
• Participation in a formal weight-control organization
• Participation in formal exercise classes
The type of weight-reduction program that will probably work best is one that emphasizes long-term lifestyle changes. Such a program should include intake of about 1,200 calories a day (no more than 30% as fat), with lifestyle changes such as a structured family meal, eliminating eating or snacking in front of the television, decreased portion sizes, and elimination of sugar-rich drinks. It should also include an active exercise program, including monitoring and limiting time spent in physical inactivity (watching television, playing computer and video games, surfing the Internet, or texting). Overweight school-age children often do well if a dieters' club is formed; they are not too young to participate in formal weight-control organizations. As a way of increasing daily activity, preadolescents do well with formal exercise classes because, again, they enjoy the support from other children. Rather than preparing special meals for just the obese child, the entire family probably needs to eat in a healthier manner. Caution children not to try faddish high-protein diets (as most adults should not), because such diets do not supply enough carbohydrates and may produce a heavy renal solute load (the breakdown product of proteins) to the kidneys.

Insist that the child return to school
Because the problem of school refusal is usually only partly the child's, the entire family generally requires counseling to resolve the issue. As a rule, once it has been established the child is free of any illness and the resistance stems from separation anxiety or phobia, the child should be made to attend school. Reinforcement by parents to go to school this way helps to prevent problems such as school failure, peer ridicule, or a pattern of avoiding difficulties. Because the child has only attended one day of class, it is far too soon to recommend that the child be held back a year, moved to another school, or homeschooled. In any case, these may not be options for the family, anyway.

Which action would be most appropriate to help lessen the feelings of rivalry among siblings?

Simple things you can do every day to prevent fighting include: Set ground rules for acceptable behavior. Tell the kids to keep their hands to themselves and that there's no cursing, no name-calling, no yelling, no door slamming. Solicit their input on the rules — as well as the consequences when they break them.

When asked by the mother how she would handle her 2 year old son's temper tantrums which of these is the best response of a nurse?

The best way for a parent to handle a temper tantrum by a toddler is to calmly express disapproval and then ignore it. The nurse is promoting language and cognitive development to the parents of a 3-year-old boy.

Which type of play should the nurse encourage for a preschool

Which type of play should the nurse encourage for a preschool-age child that is hospitalized? Preschool-age children have active imaginations and dressing up to play house would be an appropriate play activity for the nurse to encourage.

What would be most effective in helping promote initiative and nutritional health for a preschooler?

Which of the following would be most effective in helping promote initiative and nutritional health for a preschooler? Explanation: Allowing a child to do things such as spreading cheese on crackers helps to foster initiative and nutrition.