Which is a common risk factor that leads one susceptible to forming gallstones?

Are Gallstones Hereditary?

Gallstones are somewhat unique in that they often can happen without the patient showing any symptoms. Many people don’t notice they have one until they feel biliary colic (abdominal pain) that is intense and sharp.

While the leading causes surround patients having a high level of cholesterol or bilirubin, the risks associated with gallstones can vary.

One of those causes which crop up a lot is familial history. Let’s discuss why gallstones may be seen as hereditary, and what factors may play a role in that distinction.

Can gallstones run the family?

Yes. A family can see several members get gallstones at some point in their lives. It will generally apply to older members of the family (essentially anyone over the age of 40).

Why would families have a history of gallstones?

It is believed that a genetic link can be passed down, which leaves members susceptible to getting gallstones.

What exactly gets passed down?

The indication from research centres on some defect in family genes. This defect lends itself to creating a higher level of cholesterol or bilirubin. There is also a possible mutation in genes controlling the movement of cholesterol between the liver and bile duct, which can raise the risk.

If a relative gets gallstones, will I get them?

It is not definite, but merely an indicator to be aware of. If someone in your family is diagnosed with gallstones, no one else should expect to have the same happen to them.

What other factors contribute to gallstones in families?

The standard signals to be aware of within a family can include:

  • Age
  • Weight (overweight people are more likely to get them)
  • Crohn’s disease or IBS in the family

Who is more likely in a family to get gallstones?

Gallstones are more common amongst females in the family, although this isn’t necessarily due to genetic issues. Many women experience gallstones if they have previously taken the combined pill or have received oestrogen therapy.

Is ethnicity a factor?

It can play a part. Gallstones are common in the western world, especially amongst European and North American families. Again, some of this is believed to be due to diet and lifestyle choices just as much as family history.

How to know if a family member has gallstones

While someone can have gallstones go unnoticed, when a family member shows some of these symptoms, it can be a signifier of gallstones:

● Upper abdominal pain

● Pain on the right side of the ribs

● Nausea

● Unable to sit comfortably

● Jaundice

● Fever

● Sharp pains in the abdomen after eating a rich or fatty meal

Looking for more information on gallstones?

You can read more on the causes and symptoms of gallstones, as well as how here at OneWelbeck we are treating patients, by visiting our gallstones page.

There is also information on all the conditions our surgical team deals on our symptoms and conditions page.

Get in touch

Want to speak with someone at OneWelbeck about gallstones, or other common conditions which may require surgery? Please contact the clinic directly by phone on 0203 653 2009, or leave us a message on our contact page and we’ll be in touch.

Causes - Gallstones

Gallstones are thought to be caused by an imbalance in the chemical make-up of bile inside the gallbladder. Bile is a liquid produced by the liver to help digestion.

It's unclear what causes the chemical imbalance, but gallstones can form if there are unusually high levels of:

  • cholesterol inside the gallbladder (about 4 out of 5 gallstones are made of cholesterol)
  • a waste product called bilirubin inside the gallbladder (about 1 in 5 gallstones is made of bilirubin)

These chemical imbalances cause tiny crystals to develop in the bile.

These can gradually grow (often over many years) into solid stones that can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pebble.

Sometimes only 1 stone will form, but there are often several at the same time.

Who's at risk

Gallstones are more common if you:

  • are female, particularly if you have had children, are taking the combined pill, or are having high-dose oestrogen therapy
  • are overweight or obese
  • are aged 40 years or older (the older you are, the more likely you are to develop gallstones)
  • have a condition that affects the flow of bile (such as cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, or obstetric cholestasis)
  • have Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • have a close family member who's also had gallstones
  • have recently lost weight (from either dieting or weight loss surgery)
  • are taking an antibiotic called ceftriaxone

Page last reviewed: 19 November 2021
Next review due: 19 November 2024

What are the risk factors for developing gallstones?

Factors that may increase your risk of gallstones include:.
Being female..
Being age 40 or older..
Being a Native American..
Being a Hispanic of Mexican origin..
Being overweight or obese..
Being sedentary..
Being pregnant..
Eating a high-fat diet..

What is the most common cause of gallstones?

Gallstones form when bile stored in the gallbladder hardens into stone-like material. Too much cholesterol, bile salts, or bilirubin (bile pigment) can cause gallstones.

What are 2 common causes of gallstones?

What causes gallstones? Gallstones may form if bile contains too much cholesterol, too much bilirubin, or not enough bile salts. Researchers do not fully understand why these changes in bile occur. Gallstones also may form if the gallbladder does not empty completely or often enough.

Who is susceptible to gallstones?

The more obese you are, the greater your risk of developing gallstones. Several studies have shown that women with a high BMI are almost three times as likely to develop gallstones as women with a healthy BMI. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a dated, flawed measure.