Which of the following is true about the relationship between jealousy and Envy quizlet?

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    Terms in this set (74)


    the active process of making meaning out of another person's spoken message

    Which of the following statements about the importance of listening is NOT true?

    Listening has little to no effect on our physical health beyond avoiding sounds that may induce hearing loss.

    In the HURIER model of effective listening, the "E" stands for what?


    On average, we are able to remember about ________ of what we hear.


    Which form of listening occurs when you are trying to experience what another person is thinking or feeling?


    We engage in which form of listening when our goal is to evaluate or analyze what we're hearing?


    According to your text, which of the following could qualify as noise?

    loud music, feeling hungry, being too hot

    Which type of listener engages messages for the intellectual challenges; in other words, he or she likes to think things through?

    Intellectual-oriented listener

    How is pseudolistening related to glazing over?

    You're actually listening during pseudolistening, but not during glazing over.

    The tendency to pay attention only to information that supports our values and beliefs is called:

    Confirmation bias

    Which of the following statements about credibility is FALSE?

    Experience and expertise are the same thing.

    Which of the following techniques will NOT help people improve their empathic skills?

    encouraging the speaker to focus on what he or she still has, instead of what was lost

    A multi-dimensional response to any event that enhances or inhibits your goals is known as a(n)


    How are emotions and moods different?

    Emotions have an identifiable cause whereas moods do not.

    Which emotion involves feelings of joy and surprise, along with experiences of excitement and attraction for another person?


    ________ is the emotion we experience when we feel we have been wronged in some way.


    During a counseling session with his wife, Edith, Harris frequently rolled his eyes, made rude and condescending remarks, and openly mocked Edith in front of their counselor. Harris's emotional state is best described as:


    Which of the following is true about the relationship between jealousy and envy?

    Envy involves wanting something that another person has; jealousy involves feeling threatened by a third party.

    During a normal, calm conversation with your friend, you begin to notice that you feel very uncomfortable. You start to wonder what is going on and then you remember that, before talking to your friend, you were nervous because you have a test in an hour. This example illustrates the fact that emotions are:


    Which of the following emotions has a neutral valence?


    Which of the following is an example of a primary emotion?


    Which of the following statements about cultural displays of emotion is FALSE?

    After contact with Western cultures, preliterate cultures tend to adopt Western display rules

    Which display rule involves acting as though you're indifferent or emotionless when you are actually experiencing an emotion?


    When one member of a group spreads his or her emotional state to the others, ________ has taken place.

    emotional contagion

    Women are more likely than men to experience which of the following?

    emotional jealousy

    Which process involves changing the way you think about the situation that gave rise to a negative emotion?

    emotional reappraisal

    Which of the following is NOT an emotional reward commonly associated with close relationships?

    emotional continuity

    Which of the following statements about potential health benefits of relationships is true, according to the text?

    people with strong social networks are more than twice as likely to survive a heart attack

    Jordan wants to feel emotionally close to his girlfriend but he also wants to make his own decisions. Which dialectical tension is he experiencing?


    Which theory predicts that we form relationships when we think the effort will be worth it?

    predicted outcome value theory

    Which theory predicts that the more we learn about someone, the more we like that person?

    uncertainty reduction theory

    ________ attraction is the force that draws people together to form relationships.

    interpersonal attraction

    Which term refers to your realistic expectation of what you think you deserve from a relationship?

    comparison level

    ________ is the desire to stay in a relationship no matter what happens.


    Which of the following is NOT a relational maintenance behavior?


    People use many strategies for dealing with dialectical tensions. Going back and forth between the two sides of a tension is a characteristic of which strategy?


    At which stage of relationship formation has a deep commitment formed and a strong sense exists that the relationship has its own identity?


    During which of Knapp's stages of relationship termination do couples decrease both the quality and frequency of their interactions?


    Janice and Stephanie have been close friends for some time. When Stephanie recently lost her job, she couldn't afford her rent anymore and was on the verge of homelessness. Janice invited her to stay in her guest room for as long as needed. While there, Stephanie does some of the cooking for Janice and herself. According to equity theory, which of the following statements about this relationship scenario is true?

    All these statements are true.

    Which of the following reasons is most commonly cited for ending a friendship due to changes in life circumstances?

    moving away

    Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of friendships?

    friendships are the same by sex

    Which of the following statements about opposite-sex friendships is FALSE?

    They are almost always closer than same-sex friendships.

    In the ________ stage of friendship, people begin to drift apart and might lose contact with one another

    waning friendship

    Which of the following is NOT one of the health benefits of marriage identified in your textbook?

    married people have better sexual health

    The practice of polygamy is, by definition, an exception to which social expectation about marriage?

    it is exlcusive

    When considering a potential spouse, someone from an individualistic culture such as the United States would more likely ask which question?

    How does my heart feel

    According to Gottman's couple typology, which type of couple talks about their disagreements openly and cooperatively?


    From a legal perspective, which is the most heavily regulated relationship type in the United States?

    marital relationships

    Elizabeth and Aaron had been married for six months when Elizabeth started to feel dissatisfied in their relationship. Although Aaron was a nice person and fun to be around, he didn't do any of the cooking or cleaning, despite the fact that both of them worked fulltime. Elizabeth's dissatisfaction was likely due to the fact that

    Elizabeth expected an equitable investment in household chores from Aaron.

    Family________ can serve as an important way of promoting communication in a blended family, according to your text.


    Why is the discussion of routine, mundane tasks important to consider in long-term romantic relationships?

    All of these are correct

    Research shows that which of the following is positively related to your job satisfaction?

    being friends with your co-workers and boss

    Which of the following statements about relationships with clients at work is correct?

    Close friendships with clients can put workers in an uncomfortable or unethical position.

    Which of the following is true with respect to interpersonal conflict?

    It involves perceived scarce resources.

    Which of the following is NOT one of the common conflict metaphors, according to your textbook?

    conflict is a hammer

    The content dimension of a conflict relates to what?

    the specific point of contention giving rise to the conflict

    . Jon recently stopped a conflict with his girlfriend, Ana, and said to her, "You don't know how to have a disagreement without losing your temper and swearing!" Ana replied, "Well at least I want to confront the issues instead of avoiding them!" Jon and Ana's exchange is an example of:


    Which of the following statements about sex and conflict is FALSE?

    Men are generally taught not to hurt women.

    When spouses engage in the demand-withdraw pattern, who is most likely to demand and who is more likely to withdraw?

    Women are most likely to demand and most likely to withdraw

    ________ is the ability to manipulate, influence, or control other people or events


    Which form of power derives from the ability to punish?

    coercive power

    When people engage in ________, they use their words to attack or demean those around them.

    verbal aggression

    People in which type of culture think of the unequal distribution of power as normal or even desirable?

    high power distance culture

    According to the textbook, people engage in which behavior when they insult each other and attack each other's self-worth?


    Which conflict-management strategy involves a high concern for the other party but a low concern for the self?


    Deception has several basic elements. Which of the following is NOT among them?

    The receiver must believe the information is true.

    Misrepresenting facts for the purpose of material gain is known as


    Lying under oath is known as:


    When Tonya's boss asked her what time their meeting with the new client was, she replied that it was set for that afternoon at 3:30. She was so certain that she did not bother to check her calendar first. When Tonya and her boss arrived at the client's office, the client was very upset because she had been waiting for 30 minutes for their 3:00 meeting. Tonya then checked her calendar, and sure enough, the meeting had been scheduled for 3:00. Which of the following is true of this scenario?

    Tonya did not lie to her boss, because she believed her statement was true

    When Ronaldo shopped for his new flat-screen television, he was surprised at the cost differences between some of the models. When he asked the salesperson for help, the salesperson assured him that the lower-end models could display the same highdefinition channels as the more expensive ones. Because he was on a tight budget, Ronaldo took the salesperson's advice and bought a cheaper model. Only when he got his TV home did Ronaldo realize that he needed to purchase an expensive converter box to actually receive HD channels. Which of the following statements is true about this scenario?

    the salesperson engaged in deception by omission

    When his girlfriend asks if he really loves her, Ramon gives her a vague, ambiguous response. Which form of deception is he attempting?


    According to deception research, which of the following behavioral changes is a reliable cue to deception?

    decreased gesturing

    Research shows that men are more likely than women to lie about which characteristic in an online dating ad?

    education level

    According to research, an increase in which of the following nonverbal behaviors is indicative of deception?


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