Which of the following statements characterizes the impact of the war for Spanish Succession in the American South East?

  • School New Jinnah Degree College, Havelian, Abbottabad
  • Course Title HISTORY MISC
  • Pages 7
  • Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful

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Which of the following statements characterizes the impact of the War for Spanish Succession (1702–1713) in the American Southeast?121.Which of the following was true for the Iroquois in New York during the period of imperial warfare inthe early eighteenth century?122.When the early eighteenth-century Anglo-French wars temporarily ended with the Treaty of Utrecht in1713, Britain had123.Which agricultural product served as the foundation for the South Atlantic System in the eighteenthcentury?124.Which of the following areas imported the smallest number of slaves in the early eighteenth century?125.Which of the following statements characterizes the impact of the slave trade on Africa?126.Which of the following statements characterizes African states’ involvement in the Atlantic slave trade?127.The transatlantic slave trade resulted in which of the following outcomes in the eighteenth century?128.The termMiddle Passagerefers to which of the following?129.Which of the following statements characterizes life for slaves in the West Indies in the 1700s?130.Which of the following occurred as a consequence of the “tobacco revolution” in Virginia and Marylandin the late seventeenth century?

131.Which of the following characterized tobacco, rice, and sugar production in eighteenth-century America?132.What method did Chesapeake planters use in the early eighteenth century to prevent slave revolts?133.Which of the following explains why Chesapeake planters treated their slaves less harshly than WestIndian planters in the eighteenth century?134.Which of the following statements describes slaves’ lives in the North American colonies in theeighteenth century?135.The extent of violence perpetrated by whites against slaves in any particular geographic area depended onwhich of the following factors?136.What spurred slaves to organize the Stono Rebellion in South Carolina in 1739?137.How did South Carolina planters respond in the aftermath of the Stono Rebellion in 1739?138.Which of the following was true of slavery in the American colonies in the eighteenth century?139.Which of the following changes occurred in white society in the Chesapeake colonies at the same timethat slavery was being forced on Africans?140.During the period between 1676 and 1750, how did the Virginia gentry try to reduce social discontent?141.People from which of the following groups modeled themselves after the English aristocracy in the firsthalf of the eighteenth century?142.By the middle of the eighteenth century, Chesapeake planters displayed their dominance through143.Which of the following combinations describes wealthy Chesapeake and Southern women in the first halfof the eighteenth century?144.Which of the following statements characterizes the colonial shipbuilding industry during the earlyeighteenth century?145.In the mid-1700s, how were the English colonies throughout the British Atlantic empire primarily linked?146.The British colonists in eighteenth-century North America enjoyed a significant degree of autonomy overtheir royal governors mainly due to147.What did the British policy of salutary neglect of the American colonies in the early eighteenth centurymean?148.For which of the following reasons did war break out between England and Spain in the late 1730s?149.

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