A medical assistant is reinforcing instructions with a patient about how to take a buccal tablet

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Which of the following instructions should an MA give to a patient when administering an enteric coated tablet?

Which of the following instructions should a medical assistant give to a patient when administering an enteric-coated tablet? Vigorously dry the patient's skin prior to electrode placement.

What is the medical assistant's role in PFT?

Room patients in professional and timely manner. Check vitals, update charts and perform a variety of task such as spirometry, oxygen titration, etc. Responsible for blood draws, giving injections, obtaining specimens and skin testing, as directed by providers. Manages orders, including prior authorizations.

Which of the following techniques should a medical assistant use to confirm a patients understanding?

Which of the following techniques should a medical assistant use to confirm a patient's understanding of insulin administration? Observe the patient as she performs a self-demonstration. A medical assistant is explaining to a female patient how to collect a clean-catch urine specimen.

Which of the following terms should a medical assistant use to tell a provider that a patient is having discomfort and difficulty breathing?

Which of the following terms should a medical assistant use to tell a provider that a patient that a patient is having discomfort and difficulty breathing? Dyspnea is a term used to indicate that a patient is experiencing difficult or painful breathing.