Which of the following are likely characteristics for children of authoritarian parents?

This is the "because I told you so" parent who is likely to degrade a child and ignore the child’s point of view.

Which of the following are likely characteristics for children of authoritarian parents?
There are a number of negative side effects to this type of parenting.

Authoritarian parenting is extremely strict. Parents expect kids to follow the rules with no discussion or compromising. Parents use this approach for many reasons. Many choose this style because of their nationality, culture or ethical backgrounds dictate it. Also, it may be the way they were raised and don’t know any other way. Finally, they believe ruling with an iron fist is the best way to keep kids in line and under control.

This parenting style involves:

  • Having strict rules that must be followed. Children are punished if rules are not followed. Punishment is usually harsh and punitive. It can become abusive, physically and emotionally.
  • Orders that are to be followed, often without explanation. “Because I said so!”
  • Parents that feel that obedience equals love.
  • Open communication is generally not an option in this style of parenting.
  • There is typically no give and take, and will exert complete and total control over the family.

This type of parenting doesn’t work. Boundaries and expectations are healthy and recommended, but need to be balanced with love, warmth and respect for the child.

The negative side effects to this type of parenting include:

  • Children are aggressive, but can also be socially inept, shy and cannot make their own decisions.
  • Children in these families have poor self-esteem, are poor judges of character and will rebel against authority figures when they are older.
  • Children will model the behavior shown to them by their parents while with their peers and as future parents themselves.
  • Children rarely learn to think on their own.
  • Children have a difficult time managing their anger and are very resentful.

This style is low in parental responsiveness and high in parental demandingness. Authoritarian parents are not very emotional or affectionate, and critical of their children if they fail to meet their expectations. Rules should always be used to conduct behavior that is desired. When a child breaks a rule, it should be an opportunity to teach a life lesson and not be punished because they didn’t follow the rules. Unfortunately, strong punishment leads to more misbehavior, rebellion and results in constant power struggles.

This type of parenting does not support positive parenting. In fact, research shows that children with authoritarian parents perform more poorly than kids with permissive parents. For a better parenting option, learn more about the authoritative type parenting style that allows children to be independent thinkers, self-regulate their emotions and are successful, happy and successful. Authoritative parents show high levels of warmth andcontrol. For more information on each parenting style, click on one of the styles below:

  • The authoritarian parent. This is the "because I told you so" parent who is likely to degrade a child and ignore the child’s point of view.
  • The authoritative parent. This is a mom or dad who sets carefully defined limits for children, the one who is a good role model and praises children for their efforts.
  • The permissive parent. This is the parent who is afraid to set limits on children or believes a child has to be true to his or her own nature.
  • The overprotective parent. This is the parent who wants to protect their children from harm, hurt and pain, unhappiness, bad experiences and rejection, hurt feelings, failure and disappointments.

For more information about child development, academic success, parenting and life skill development, please visit the Michigan State University Extension website.

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Since children do not come with manuals, parents often struggle to determine how to raise mentally strong, well-rounded and successful kids. Some parents are strict, while others are lenient. Some are vigilant, while others are distant.

If the question "What type of parent do I want to be?" has ever crossed your mind, it helps to understand the basics of different parenting styles.

The 4 types of parenting

The four main parenting styles — permissive, authoritative, neglectful and authoritarian — used in child psychology today are based on the work of Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist, and Stanford researchers Eleanor Maccoby and John Martin.

Each parenting style has different effects on children's behavior and can be identified by certain characteristics, as well as degrees of responsiveness (the extent to which parents are warm and sensitive to their children's needs) and demandingness (the extent of control parents put on their children in an attempt to influence their behavior).

The 4 Parenting Styles

Francyne Zeltser, CNBC Make It

1. The Permissive Parent

Common traits:

  • High responsiveness, low demandingness
  • Communicates openly and usually lets their kids decide for themselves, rather than giving direction
  • Rules and expectations are either not set or rarely enforced
  • Typically goes through great lengths to keep their kids happy, sometimes at their own expense

Permissive parents are more likely to take on a friendship role, rather than a parenting role, with their kids. They prefer to avoid conflict and will often acquiesce to their children's pleas at the first sign of distress. These parents mostly allow their kids to do what they want and offer limited guidance or direction.

2. The Authoritative Parent

 Common traits:

  • High responsiveness, high demandingness
  • Sets clear rules and expectations for their kids while practicing flexibility and understanding
  • Communicates frequently; they listen to and take into consideration their children's thoughts, feelings and opinions
  • Allows natural consequences to occur (e.g., kid fails quiz when they didn't study), but uses those opportunities to help their kids reflect and learn

Authoritative parents are nurturing, supportive and often in tune with their children's needs. They guide their children through open and honest discussions to teach values and reasoning. Kids who have authoritative parents tend to be self-disciplined and can think for themselves.

3. The Neglectful Parent

Common traits:

  • Low responsiveness, low demandingness
  • Lets their kids mostly fend for themselves, perhaps because they are indifferent to their needs or are uninvolved/overwhelmed with other things
  • Offers little nurturance, guidance and attention
  • Often struggles with their own self-esteem issues and has a hard time forming close relationships

Sometimes referred to as uninvolved parenting, this style is exemplified by an overall sense of indifference. Neglectful parents have limited engagement with their children and rarely implement rules. They can also be seen as cold and uncaring — but not always intentionally, as they are often struggling with their own issues.

4. The Authoritarian Parent

Common traits:

  • High demandingness, low responsiveness
  • Enforces strict rules with little consideration of their kid's feelings or social-emotional and behavioral needs
  • Often says "because I said so" when their kid questions the reasons behind a rule or consequence
  • Communication is mostly one-way — from parent to child

This rigid parenting style uses stern discipline, often justified as "tough love." In attempt to be in full control, authoritarian parents often talk to their children without wanting input or feedback.

What is the best parenting style for you?

Research suggests that authoritative parents are more likely to raise independent, self-reliant and socially competent kids.

While children of authoritative parents are not immune to mental health issues, relationship difficulties, substance abuse, poor self-regulation or low self-esteem, these traits are more commonly seen in children of parents who strictly employ authoritarian, permissive or uninvolved parenting styles.

Of course, when it comes to parenting, there is no "one size fits all." You don't need to subscribe to just one type, as there may be times when you have to use a varied parenting approach — but in moderation.

The most successful parents know when to change their style, depending on the situation. An authoritative parent, for example, may want to become more permissive when a child is ill, by continuing to provide warmth and letting go of some control (e.g. "Sure, you can have some ice cream for lunch and dinner.").

And a permissive parent may be more strict if a child's safety is at stake, like when crossing a busy street (e.g. "You're going to hold my hand whether you like it or not.").

At the end of the day, use your best judgement and remember that the parenting style that works best for your family at that time is the one you should use.

Francyne Zeltser is a child psychologist, school psychologist, adjunct professor and mother of two. She promotes a supportive, problem-solving approach where her patients learn adaptive strategies to manage challenges and work toward achieving both short-term and long-term goals. Her work has been featured in NYMetroParents.com and Parents.com.

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Which of the following are likely characteristics for children of authoritarian parents?

What are the characteristics of children raised by authoritative parents select all that apply?

Kids raised by authoritative parents are more likely to become independent, self-reliant, socially accepted, academically successful, and well-behaved. They are also less likely to report depression and anxiety, and less likely to engage in antisocial behavior like delinquency and drug use.

Which of the following most characterizes authoritative parenting?

Authoritative parenting is characterized by reasonable demands and high responsiveness. While authoritative parents might have high expectations for their children, they also give their kids the resources and support they need to succeed.

Which of the following best describes authoritarian parenting?

Summary. Authoritarian parenting is characterized by very high expectations for children with a lack of feedback and responsiveness from the parent. Authoritarian parents punish mistakes harshly, but offer little explanation for their rules and punishments.

Which of the following is true of authoritarian parents?

Which of the following is true of the authoritarian style of parenting? The children of authoritarian parents tend to show self-reliance, independence, and high self-esteem.