Which of the following factors eased the spaniards’ conquest of the aztecs in the sixteenth century?

Why was the fifteenth-century marriage of Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand of Spain significant?

-Together they completed Spain's long campaign to oust Muslims from its realm. -They launched the Spanish Inquisition.-They financed Christopher Columbus's explorations-They united the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and brought stability to the region

In West Africa, the Ghana Empire (800 A.D. to 1200 A.D.), the Mali Empire (1200s to the 1400s), and the fifteenth-century Songhai Empire shared which of the following characteristics?

The use of gold as the cornerstone of their power

Which of the following factors eased the Spaniards' conquest of the Aztecs in the sixteenth century?

The internal fighting among warriors over succession to the empires throne

Most of the people living in West Africa when European trade began in the early fifteenth century were

In 1450, the majority of European men were which of the following?

On the eve of European colonization of the Americans, most Western Europeans lived in

Small, relatively isolated, rural villages

Typically, when an English woman of the fifteenth century married, she

Gave up ownership of her property to her husband

Which of following is the name for the European practice wherein the eldest son inherited nearly all of his father's estate?

Which European nation was the first to involve itself in exploration of the Atlantic as a route to Asia and the African slave trade?

Merchants from which of the following countries made inroads in the Arab-dominated trade routes of the Mediterranean in the twelfth century?

The European Renaissance began in 1300 in which of the following countries?

Which of the following Renaissance-era ideologies celebrated public virtue and service to the state?

Which of the following factors prevented Europeans from seeking to conquer territory in Africa in the fifteenth century?

Coastal kingdoms were too well defended

Which of the following statements describes the Portuguese connection to African slavery in the 1400s?

Portuguese traders ousted Arab merchants as the prime African slave merchants

By the time the Europeans arrived in the Western Hemisphere in the 1490s, most Native Americans lived in and along which of the following regions?

Mesoamerica, the western coast of South America, and the Andes

Which of the following describes the first ancestors of the Native American peoples?

Most Native Americans are descended from a small group of migrants that crossed a 'land bridge' (Bering Straight) between Asia and America during the ice ages 15,000 years ago.

Which of the following describes the first peoples who migrated to the Americas?

Bands of hunter-gatherers in search of food during an environmentally unstable period

What was the foundation for the prosperous Native American societies in Mexico, Peru, and the Mississippi River Valley?

Which of the following statements describes the Maya peoples?

-They devised a calendar system and predicted solar and lunar eclipses accurately-Maya script was the only known fully developed writing system of the pre-Columbian Americas, -noted for their art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems

The Aztecs lived in which of the following present-day locales?

Which Europeans were represented by guilds in the fifteenth century?

Artisans, craftspeople and merchants of particular trade

Which of the following motivations drove the Spanish conquistadors who followed Columbus to the Americas in the early sixteenth century?

Their thirst for battle and riches as well as land in the conquered territory and titles of nobility

Which of the following explorers is correctly matched with his area of exploration?

Cortés: Aztec Empire Pizarro: Incan EmpireDe Gama: PortugalCabral: Brazil

During most of the sixteenth century, which of the following was the wealthiest nation in Europe?

How did the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro conquer the Incans by 1535?

-The Spanish captured and killed the emperor and gained support of the Natives as they traveled through Incan land-The Incans were already weakened militarily and divided because of rival claimants to the throne

Why were the Crusades, which took place between 1096 and 1291 A.D., significant in Europe?

They made Western European merchants aware of trade routes that stretched all the way to China.The expeditions exposed Europeans to Arab trade goods and their classical heritage

Why had Christopher Columbus faded from public view by the time he died in 1506?

He failed to find any treasures or kingdoms and never reached india, the land of spices and gold

Why did the number of Indians living in Mesoamerica decline from about 30 million in the fifteenth century to approximately 3 million by 1650?

Disease carried by Europeans decimated most Indian tribes who came in contact with Europeans

The Native American settlement known as Cahokia was a

Significant Mississippian city with more than one hundred temple mounds

Which of the Pueblo peoples built hundreds of miles of straight roads across the desert in the American Southwest to facilitate trade?

Which of the following was a characteristic of the Aztec, Mayan, and Iroquois civilizations?

They had similar farming practices

Which of the following statements describes Native American peoples east of the Mississippi River?

The increase in farming led to am emphasis on a matrilineal inheritance system

Which of the following describes trading relationships among Native Americans in the period before European contact?

They had personal trade relationships with other Native American tribes

Which of the following describes family life among Native Americans?

Kinship bonds were sometimes more important than nuclear families

Which of the following statements describes the status of European monarchs in 1450?

Which of the following features characterized most Native North Americans' spiritual views and practices?

Animism-the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.

Which of the following characteristics did traditional European, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations of the fifteenth century hold in common?

Each was a hierarchical society in which power came from above

The social order in Europe around 1450 can be described as

Hierarchical and authoritarian

Which of the following statements characterizes the legacy of the Spanish conquest in the New World in the sixteenth century?

To get rich, suppress indigenous people, and conquer land

Why were the modern-day countries of Mexico and Peru originally Spain's most significant conquests?

The Inca, Aztec, and Mayans had great wealth in gold

The Hohokams, Mogollon, and Anasazi were

Peoples who lived in present-day Arizona and New Mexico around A.D. 1000 who declined because of soil exhaustion and a long drought after A.D. 1150.

On October 12, 1492, Columbus, his men, and his ships reached

An island in the Bahamas.

Which of the following was characteristic of both the Mississippian and Pueblo peoples?

Their creation of elaborate ceremonies and urban sites

Which of the following statements describes the impact of the Columbian Exchange?

Diseases carried by the Europeans killed 90% of the Native Americans

Which of the following was a result of the Crusades, which took place between 1096 and 1291 A.D.?

Europeans were exposed to Arab trade goods and were reacquainted with their classical heritage.Western European merchants gained awareness of Asian trade routes.

As it gained power in Europe, Roman and medieval Catholicism contended with pre-Christian festivals and the agricultural cycle by

Integrating them into Christian holy days and biblical teachings

Martin Luther advocated which of the following ideas?

The Catholic Church was corrupt and in need of reform and people could be saved only by grace, which was a gift from God. The bible was the ultimate authority

The first phase of the Reformation in the 1500s had its greatest success in which of the following countries?

The rise of commerce in most of Europe in the fifteenth century shifted the balance of power by favoring which of the following groups?

John Calvin and Calvinist theologians of the 1500s stressed which of the following ideas?

The doctrine and predestination

Which of the following characteristics did traditional European Mayan and Aztec civilizations of the 15th century hold in common?

Which of the following characteristics did traditional European, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations of the fifteenth century hold in common? Each was a hierarchal society in which authority came from above.

Which of the following motivations drove the Spanish conquistadors who followed Columbus to the Americas?

Which of the following motivations drove the Spanish conquistadors who followed Columbus to the Americas in the early sixteenth century? Their thirst for battle and riches as well as land in the conquered territory and titles of nobility.

Why were the modern day countries of Mexico and Peru originally Spain's most significant conquests?

Why were the modern-day countries of Mexico and Peru originally Spain's most significant conquests? The Inca, Aztecs, and Mayans had great wealth, particularly in gold. In 1450, the majority of European men were what? a significant Mississippian city with more than one hundred temple mounds.

Which of the following statements describes the status of European monarchs in 1450?

Which of the following statements describes the status of European monarchs in 1450? The authority of the monarchs was often challenged by local nobles. Which of the Pueblo peoples built hundreds of miles of straight roads across the desert in the American Southwest to facilitate trade?