Which theory recognizes the fact that every business decision affects a wide variety of people benefiting some and imposing costs on others?

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    Corporate social responsibility [CSR]-related activities can improve profitability by enhancing a company's standing among its stakeholders,including consumers and employees.


    True False



    Explanation: Activities related to corporate social responsibility can improve profitability by enhancing a company's standing among its stakeholders,including consumers and employees.For example,some evidence suggests that employees who are well treated in their work environments may prove more loyal,more effective,and more productive in their work.

    Philosopher Norman Bowie rejected the economic view that managers are the agents of stockholder-owners and thus they also have a duty to further the interests of stockholders .


    True False



    Explanation: Norman Bowie accepts the economic view that managers are the agents of stockholder-owners and thus they also have a duty [derived from the contract between them]to further the interests of stockholders.Bowie would argue that business has a social responsibility to respect the rights of its employees,even when not specified or required by law.

    According to David Vogel,investing in corporate social responsibility [CSR]when consumers are not willing to pay higher prices to support that investment improves the profit levels of the firm.


    True False



    Explanation: David Vogel,a political science professor at Berkeley,cautions against investing in corporate social responsibility [CSR]when consumers are not willing to pay higher prices to support that investment.

    The economic model of corporate social responsibility [CSR]holds that businesses should integrate social goals and economic goals.

    True False

    The form of business that limits the liability of individuals for the risks involved in business activities is known as _____.

    Multiple Choice

    A firm that is environmentally unsustainable is also a firm that is,in the long-term,financially unsustainable.

    True False

    The stakeholder model of corporate social responsibility [CSR]views business as a citizen of the society in which it operates and,like all members of a society,business must conform to the normal range of ethical duties and obligations that all citizens face.

    True False

    Philosopher Norman Bowie identifies his approach as a "Kantian" theory of business ethics.

    True False

    Within the philanthropic perspective of the economic model,socially responsible activities are never done for building the reputation of a firm.

    True False

    Reputation management refers to the practice of caring for the "image" of a firm.

    True False

    Corporate social responsibility [CSR]refers to the:

    Multiple Choice

    Which of the following is the most demanding social responsibility?

    Multiple Choice

    Which of the following ethical requirements is the type of responsibility established by the precedents of tort law?

    Multiple Choice

    Identify a true statement about social responsibility.

    Multiple Choice

    Volunteering and charitable work are examples of the most demanding social responsibilities of a business.

    True False

    Stakeholder theory states that a firm should be managed for the sole benefit of stockholders.

    True False

    The sustainability version of corporate social responsibility [CSR]suggests that the long-term financial well-being of every firm is directly tied to questions of how the firm both affects and is affected by the natural environment.

    True False

    The philanthropic perspective of the economic model holds that business has no strict obligation to contribute to social causes.

    True False

    Stakeholder theory recognizes the fact that every business decision affects a wide variety of people,benefiting some and imposing costs on others.

    True False

    Legislators created a form of business called corporations to encourage people to engage in business activities.

    True False

    Which model of corporate social responsibility considers business a citizen of the society that it operates in?

    The stakeholder model of corporate social responsibility [CSR] views business as a citizen of the society in which it operates and, like all members of a society, business must conform to the normal range of ethical duties and obligations that all citizens face.

    Which of the following is a similarity between utilitarianism and stakeholder theory?

    Which of the following is a similarity between utilitarianism and stakeholder theory? Both consider the consequences of management decisions for the well-being of all affected groups.

    What is the corporate social responsibility economic model?

    Corporate social responsibility [CSR] is the idea that a business has a responsibility to the society that exists around it, according to the online course Sustainable Business Strategy.

    How does the stakeholder model of corporate social responsibility CSR View businesses?

    CSR prioritizes one aspect of business – its orientation toward the society at large, i.e. its social orientation – over the other business responsibilities. Stakeholder theory posits that the essence of business primarily lies in building relationships and creating value for all its stakeholders.

    Which model of corporate social responsibility considers business a citizen of the society that it operates in?

    The stakeholder model of corporate social responsibility (CSR) views business as a citizen of the society in which it operates and, like all members of a society, business must conform to the normal range of ethical duties and obligations that all citizens face.

    What is the corporate social responsibility economic model?

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the idea that a business has a responsibility to the society that exists around it, according to the online course Sustainable Business Strategy.

    How does the stakeholder model of corporate social responsibility CSR View businesses?

    CSR prioritizes one aspect of business – its orientation toward the society at large, i.e. its social orientation – over the other business responsibilities. Stakeholder theory posits that the essence of business primarily lies in building relationships and creating value for all its stakeholders.

    What is the best description of corporate social responsibility?

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the idea that a company should play a positive role in the community and consider the environmental and social impact of business decisions.