How does management accounting differ from financial accounting explain the limitations of management accounting?

Table of Contents

  • Limitations or disadvantages of management accounting
    • 1. Based on Financial and Cost Records
    • 2. Personal Bias
    • 3. Lack of Knowledge and Understanding of the Related Subjects
    • 4. Provides only Data
    • 5. Preference to Intuitive Decision Making
    • 6. Management Accounting is only a Tool
    • 7. Continuity and Participation
    • 8. Broad Based Scope
    • 9. Costly Installation
    • 10. Resistance to Change
    • 11. Evolutionary State
    • 12. Unquantifiable Variables

Management accounting is an important tool of management. Hence, it serves the management in many ways. Even though, the management accounting has some limitations or disadvantages. They are briefly explained below:

Limitations or disadvantages of management accounting

1. Based on Financial and Cost Records

Both financial and cost accounting information are used in the management accounting system. The accuracy and validity of management account is largely based on the accuracy if financial and cost records maintained. These records determine the Strength and weakness of management accounting.

2. Personal Bias

The analysis and interpretation of financial statements are fully depending upon the capability of the analyst and interpreter. Hence, personal prejudices and bias of an individual can affect the objectivity and effectiveness of the conclusions and recommendations.

Financial accounting, cost accounting, statistics, economics, psychology and sociology are the related subjects of management accounting. The organization can derive more benefits of management accounting if the management accountant has thorough knowledge over related subjects. If not so, the success of management accounting system is questionable.

4. Provides only Data

Under management accounting system, many alternatives are developed to solve a problem and submitted before the management. Out of the many alternatives available, the management can select any one of alternatives or even discard all of them. Hence, management accounting can only provide data and not prescribe any course of action.

5. Preference to Intuitive Decision Making

Scientific decisions can be taken with the help of using management accounting techniques. But, majority of the management accountant and top level executives prefer their past experience and intuition in making business decisions. The reason is that an intuitive decision making is very simple and easy.

6. Management Accounting is only a Tool

The management accountant is using the management accounting system as a tool to give advice and facilitate the management for decision making. The actual decisions, their implementation and follow up action are the prerogative of the management.

7. Continuity and Participation

The decisions are taken by the management. Their implementation is vested in the hands of management accountant. The continuous efforts of management accountant and full participation of all levels of management are necessary for successful operation of management accounting system.

8. Broad Based Scope

The scope of management accounting is very wide since it considers both monetary and non-monetary transactions of the business organization. The limited knowledge and experience of the management accountant can lead to prepare the data unreliable and undependable.

9. Costly Installation

The cost of installation of management accounting system is very high. Hence, a small business organization can not bear the cost of such installation. Moreover, the utility of this system is restricted only to big and complex organizations.

10. Resistance to Change

The installation of management accounting system brings some changes in the organizational set up and accounting practice. The personnel concerned may resist such changes unless they are getting confidence.

11. Evolutionary State

Management accounting is a recent development discipline. The utility of management accounting is depend upon the intelligent interpretation of the data available for managerial use. Hence, it is presumed that the management accounting stands in evolutionary stage.

12. Unquantifiable Variables

Management accounting seeks to interpret and evaluate an objective historical event on record in terms of money. But, in practice, the business organization is facing many problems which cannot be exposed.

3 Min. Read

What is the Difference Between Financial and Managerial Accounting?

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  3. What is the Difference Between Financial and Managerial Accounting?

December 27, 2019

How does management accounting differ from financial accounting explain the limitations of management accounting?

The difference between financial and managerial accounting is that financial accounting is the collection of accounting data to create financial statements, while managerial accounting is the internal processing used to account for business transactions.

The certification for each of these types of accounting is different as well. People who have been trained in financial accounting have a Certified Public Accountant designation, while those with a Certified Management Accountant designation are trained in managerial accounting.

The perception that more training is required for financial accounting might be reflected in the higher pay rates of financial accountants over managerial accountants.

The following categories also show the differences between financial and managerial accounting.


Financial accounting only cares about generating a profit and not the overall system of how the company works. Conversely, managerial accounting looks for bottleneck operations and examines various ways to enhance profits by eliminating bottleneck issues.


Financial accounting is focused on creating financial statements to be shared internal and external stakeholders and the public. Managerial accounting focuses on operational reporting to be shared within a company.


Financial accounting looks at the entire business while managerial accounting reports at a more detailed level. Managerial accounting focuses on detailed reports like profits by product, product line, customer and geographic region.


A business’ profitability and efficiency are reported through financial accounting. Managerial accounting reports on what is causing a problem and how to fix that problem.


Financial statements are due at the end of an accounting period, while managerial reports may be issued more frequently, to provide managers with relevant information they can act on immediately.


Considerable precision is needed to prove that financial records are correct. Financial accounting relies on this accurate data for reporting, while managerial accounting frequently deals with estimates opposed to proven facts.


When managerial accounting is made for internal consumption there is no set of standards to compile that information. On the other hand, financial accounting must follow various accounting standards.


Financial accounting looks to the past to examine financial results that have already been achieved, so it is historically focused. Managerial accounting looks to the future with forecasting.


Financial accounting is concerned with knowing the proper value of a company’s assets and liabilities. Managerial accounting is only concerned with the value these items have on a company’s productivity.

This article will also discuss:

Does Managerial Accounting Follow GAAP?

NOTE: FreshBooks Support team members are not certified income tax or accounting professionals and cannot provide advice in these areas, outside of supporting questions about FreshBooks. If you need income tax advice please contact an accountant in your area.

Does Managerial Accounting Follow GAAP?

Financial accounting reports are distributed inside and outside of a business and are governed by GAAP and IFRS. The external publication of financial statement makes it very necessary to follow regulation to provide correct information.

Managerial accounting reports are shared internally only and are, therefore, not subject to such rules and regulations and are not required by laws to follow any accounting standard.


How does management accounting differ from financial accounting?

Managerial accounting is concerned with providing information to managers i.e. people inside an organization who direct and control its operations. In contrast, financial accounting is concerned with providing information to stockholders, creditors, and others who are outside an organization.

What are the limitations of management accounting in management accounting?

Limitations or disadvantages of management accounting.
Based on Financial and Cost Records..
Personal Bias..
Lack of Knowledge and Understanding of the Related Subjects..
Provides only Data..
Preference to Intuitive Decision Making..
Management Accounting is only a Tool..
Continuity and Participation..
Broad Based Scope..

What are some other examples of the differences between financial management and financial accounting?

Financial accounting and financial management are two separate functions of finance where financial accounting requires reporting past financial transactions. In contrast, on the other hand, financial management requires planning for future transactions.

What do you mean by management accounting explain its functions and limitations?

Management accounting is mainly concerned with the modification of data and for this purpose; it derives information from financial and cost accounting systems. These accounting systems suffer from certain limitations, as they are prepared on the basis of certain accounting concepts and conventions.