Which factors are most likely to increase the chances that a citizen will participate in politics quizlet?

The Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, also known as VAEHA, was enacted by Congress in 1984 (42 U.S.C. 1973ee t0 1973ee-6). VAEHA requires states to take certain steps to make the voting process accessible to people with disabilities.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - This law prohibits voting practices and procedures that discriminate based on race, color, or membership in a language minority group. It also requires certain jurisdictions to provide election materials in languages other than English.

simplified: they got rid of literacy tests, grandfather clause, and poll tax

Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 - This law authorizes federal funds for election administration and creates the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. It also requires states to adopt minimum standards on voting systems, provisional ballots, voter information posters on election days, and for first time voters who register to vote by mail and statewide voter registration databases. The EAC helps states to comply with these requirements.

Source: https://www.justice.gov/crt/statutes-enforced-voting-section#cra

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Terms in this set (37)

What group of voters saw the largest increase in voter turnout in 2008?

young African Americans

Which of the following political systems comes closest to that of a true democracy?

ancient Greece

Which of the following would be considered a form of conventional political participation?


Which of the following was the civil rights movement known for?

unconventional forms of participation like sit-ins and marches

In which of the following forms of protest would Americans be MOST likely to participate?

signing petitions

Which constitutional amendment did unconventional participation contribute to the passage of?

the 26th amendment

Which of the following forms of unconventional participation was MOST effective in bringing about legislative policy change?

civil rights activism

In which of the following would Americans be LEAST likely to participate?

working for a party or candidate

Which factors are MOST likely to increase the chances that a citizen will participate in politics?

time and money

People would be more likely to participate in the political process in which of the following cases?

when someone asks them to get involved

Which of the following considerations tend to diminish differences in voter turnout due to race?

socioeconomic factors

Among which racial group was turnout lowest in the 2016 presidential election?

Hispanic Americans

Which of the following groups reported the highest levels of voter registration and turnout in 2016?

people with annual incomes of $150,000 and above

The lowest turnout rate, by education level, in the 2016 election was among which group of Americans?

those who did not complete high school

In the 2016 presidential election, roughly what percentage of Democrats and Republicans alike voted for their own party's nominee?

more than 85 percent

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the strength of partisan loyalty?

Only major events or issues cause voters to reevaluate their partisan loyalties.

In 2010, what percentage of voters identified themselves as pure independents?

16 percent

What probably hurt Senator John Kerry's election chances the MOST in the 2004 presidential race?

his reputation as a flip-flopper

If you decide to vote for a candidate because you like what she has promised to do once in office, you are engaging in what type of voting?


In prospective voting, which of the following would be the MOST likely to be taken into consideration?

campaign promises

Which of the following candidates would be the MOST likely to encourage the public to engage in retrospective voting?

an incumbent up for reelection when unemployment is low

Why did the McCain campaign select Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential candidate in 2008?

to balance the ticket

According to the text, what personal characteristics of presidents like Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy helped them to connect with American voters?

their speechmaking abilities

Voter support for incumbents is strongly related to which of the following?

financial security

What does the Consumer Confidence Index use to predict presidential election results?

voters' views on the economy

Which of the following BEST describes voter turnout trends since the 1960s?

There has been decreased turnout in both presidential and congressional elections.

According to political scientist Robert Putnam, how did the political environment of the 1950s and 1960s differ from that of the present?

Social capital and civic engagement were higher than they are today.

Which campaign tactic has been on the decline since the rise of new media?

canvassing voters door-to-door

How did the 26th Amendment affect voter turnout?

It expanded the right to vote to include those least likely to exercise it.

Which of the following countries had the lowest voter turnout between 1960 and 2000?

the United States

In which of the following ways is the United States attempting to make it easier for people to participate in elections?

offering convenience voting

What was the purpose of the Motor Voter Act?

to make re-registering to vote easier

Which of the following aspects of the U.S. electoral system can affect voter turnout?

voter fatigue

Single voters' resistance to "wasting" votes

member districts contribute to which of the following?

Which of the following countries has mandatory voting but does not enforce it?


What might supporters of mandatory voting argue?

Voting is a civic duty.

Which of the following might be considered a disadvantage of mandatory voting?

Uninformed voters could skew election results.

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Which factors influence whether an individual is likely to participate in politics quizlet?

They include socioeconomic status, levels of civic engagement, formal obstacles, and efforts by political institutions to mobilize people. The most significant political factor affecting participation is whether people are mobilized by parties, candidates, interest groups, or social movements.

What allows citizens to participate in the political process?

By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens' interests. There are two special rights only for U.S. citizens: voting in federal elections and running for federal office.

What factors influence voter participation?

The most important socioeconomic factor affecting voter turnout is education. The more educated a person is, the more likely they are to vote, even controlling for other factors that are closely associated with education level, such as income and class.

What are the factors preventing people's participation in politics?

Barriers to political participation Poverty – poor people are mostly focused on survival activities; their basic needs often need to be met first before they can participate, so they may have limited time or interest. Education – without information and knowledge, meaningful participation in politics can be difficult.