Which of the following is a difference between traditional psychoanalysis and humanistic therapies?

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Terms in this set (55)

Which of the following is a difference between traditional psychoanalysis and humanistic therapies?

Traditional psychoanalysis focuses on early childhood experiences, while therapies focus on what clients are experiencing here and now.

Modern psychodynamic therapies differ from traditional psychoanalysis in that the:

Clients and the therapist usually sit face to face.

Raul goes to a psychotherapist because he is suffering from insomnia. The therapist asks him to relax by lying on a couch and encourages him to talk about anything that comes to his mind. The therapist does not use hypnosis. Through this process, the therapist hopes to gain an insight into the unconscious processes in Raul's mind. The therapist is using the technique of _____.

Free association

Which of the following is an advantage of group therapy used by psychotherapists?

It allows the therapist to work with several clients at once.

__________is associated with client-centered therapy.

Unconditional positive regard

Which of the following statements best describes psychodynamic therapies?

Psychodynamic therapies, based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud, assume that psychological problems reflect early childhood experiences and internal conflicts.

In the context of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud considered __________the "royal road to the unconscious."


According to psychodynamic therapy, psychological problems:

Reflect early childhood experiences and inner conflicts.

Unlike client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy__________.

Is directive in nature.

__________are based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud.

Psychodynamic therapies

_____ is conducted only with groups.

Couple therapy

In the context of the different behavior-therapy methods, which of the following is true of modeling?

It relies on observational learning.

Perls's ideas about conflicting personality elements owe much to__________.

Psychodynamic theory

Dr. Thomas, a psychiatrist, works at a facility that treats people with psychological disorders as outpatients rather than sending them to hospitals. He also helps people who have been released from hospitals. Most of the people treated by him have chronic psychological disorders. Dr. Thomas works at a(n) _____.

Community mental health center

Antidepressant medication tends to increase the concentration of __________in the brain.


Which of the following is a difference between humanistic forms of therapy and behavior therapy?

Humanistic forms of therapy tend to focus on what people think and feel, whereas behavior therapist tend to focus on what people do.

In the context of psychodynamic therapies, when the superego floods an individual with excessive guilt, _____.

Defenses are established

__________are best described as controlled environments in which people are reinforced for desired behaviors with keepsakes, such as poker chips, that may be exchanged for privileges.

Token economies

Behavior therapists aid clients in__________.

The acquisition of adaptive behavior patterns

According to Gestalt therapy, which of the following statements is true?

People don social masks, pretending to be things that they are not.

Jack's therapist Susan wants him to recall significant points about his recent appraisal to help him cope with his work more effectively. In this scenario, Susan is using _____.

Cognitive therapy

In the context of humanistic therapies, __________encourages self-exploration and self-expression and aims to provide insight into the parts of us that we have disowned so that we can feel whole.

Client-centered therapy

Behavior-therapy methods for reducing fears include _____.

Virtual therapy

In the context of humanistic therapies, client-centered therapists:

Must be able to tolerate differentness

According to Aaron Beck, clients may engage in__________, which means looking at the world in black and white rather than in shades of gray.

Absolutist thinking

Most antianxiety drugs belong to the chemical class known as__________.


Tom is a World War II war hero who suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression. In 1954, he was sent to an institution for treatment. He was successfully cured and he reentered society to lead a normal life. He was most likely admitted to a(n) _____.

Mental hospital

Which of the following aggravated the psychological problems that inmates of asylums were already facing?


__________is a behavior-therapy technique in which a client observes and imitates a person who approaches and copes with feared objects or situations.


Historically speaking, "treatments" of psychological disorders tended to involve cruel practices such as exorcism and execution. This reflected the assumption that:

People who behaved in strange ways were possessed by demons.

__________refers to a behavior-therapy method for helping people in their interpersonal relations that utilizes self-monitoring, behavior rehearsal, and feedback.

Social skills training

In the context of the humanitarian reform movements during the 18th century, which of the following happened when Philippe Pinel, a physician, unchained the patients at La Salpêtrière in Paris?

Patients profited from kindness and freedom.

The _____ monitors brain waves and can be used to teach people how to alpha waves, which are associated with relaxation.


Steve's physician has prescribed him valium for his anxiety attacks. This drug will _____.

Depress the activity of the central nervous system.

In the context of psychological problems arising from roadblocks placed in the path of self-actualization, if, when we are young, other people approve of us only when we are doing what they want us to do, we _____.

May learn to disown the parts of ourselves of which they object.

Which of the following statements is true of behavior therapists?

They may help clients become aware of the circumstances in which maladaptive behaviors occur.

Behavior therapy _____ to directly promote desired behavioral changes.

applies principles of learning

Identify a true statement about behavior therapy

It helps clients discontinue overeating, smoking, and phobic avoidance of harmless stimuli.

Prefrontal lobotomy was pioneered by__________.

Antonio Egas Moniz

Which of the following is true of the method of free association?

In this method, clients are made comfortable and asked to talk about any topic that comes to mind.

Ryan, a psychiatrist, has recommended that his patient, who suffers from generalized anxiety, stop the use of antianxiety drugs. After two weeks, the patient complains that her anxiety symptoms have become worse. Ryan tells the patient that her feelings are an expected response to stopping antianxiety medication. What is the patient experiencing?

Rebound anxiety

Which of the following statements is true of catharsis?

It helps alleviate some of the forces assaulting the ego.

Which of the following statements is true of client-centered therapists?

They have unconditional positive regard for their clients.

Albert Ellis's rational emotive behavior therapy methods are _____.

Active and directive

Cognitive therapy is:

Likely to focus on changing the beliefs and attitudes that create and compound people's problem.

Loya, who is suffering from depression after her boyfriend left her, consults a therapist. During their sessions, she often talks to her therapist in a manner similar to how she spoke to her ex-boyfriend. This best exemplifies__________


Jack's therapist Susan wants him to recall significant points about his recent appraisal to help him cope with his work more effectively. In this scenario, Susan is using_____.

Cognitive therapy

Katherine is terrified of dogs. To help alleviate her fears, her therapist first teaches her how to relax her muscles. Next, the therapist uses virtual therapy to expose Katherine to different dogs and asks her to stay relaxed. Which of the following is the basis for the virtual therapy used by Katherine's therapist?

Systematic desensitization

Why did Fritz Perls adopt the term Gestaltto name the therapy originated by him?

Fritz Perls used the term Gestalt to signify his interest in giving the conflicting parts of the personality an integrated form or shape.

A form of group therapy that may be undertaken from the systems approach is called ______.

Family therapy

Dr. Diaz is a therapist who works with clients of many different cultural backgrounds. Her clients like the fact that she always considers their cultural background important to her therapeutic approach. What is Dr. Diaz demonstrating?

Multicultural competence

_________ is the best-known form of psychosurgery that used with people with severe psychological disorders.

Prefrontal lobotomy

Asylum were intended primarily for:

Housing people with psychological disorders.

Unlike client-centered therapy gestalt therapy __________.

Is directive in nature.

____ was originated by Fritz Perls.

Gestalt therapy

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How does psychodynamic therapy differ from traditional psychoanalysis quizlet?

Psychodynamic therapy has been influenced by traditional psychoanalysis but differs from it in many ways, including the lack of belief in id, ego, and superego. This contemporary therapy is briefer, less expensive, and more focused on helping the client find relief from current symptoms.

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