Which term is used to describe the inability to breathe easily except in an upright position?

d) Deviation from the midline

During the physical examination, the nurse must inspect and gently palpate the trachea to assess for placement and deviation from the midline. The trachea is normally in the midline as it enters the thoracic inlet behind the sternum, but it may be deviated by masses in the neck or mediastinum. Pulmonary disorders, such as a pneumothorax or pleural effusion, may also displace the trachea. The nurse examines the posterior pharynx and tonsils with a tongue blade and light, and notes any evidence of swelling, inflammation, or exudate, as well as changes in color of the mucous membranes. The nurse also examines the anterior, posterior, and lateral chest walls for any evidence of muscle weakness.

a) Asking the patient to repeat "ninety-nine" as the nurse's hands move down the patient's thorax

While the nurse is assessing for tactile fremitus, the patient is asked to repeat "ninety-nine" or "one, two, three," or "eee, eee, eee" as the nurse's hands move down the patient's thorax. The vibrations are detected with the palmar surfaces of the fingers and hands, or the ulnar aspect of the extended hands, on the thorax. The hand or hands are moved in sequence down the thorax. Corresponding areas of the thorax are compared. Asking the patient to say "one, two, three" while auscultating the lungs is not the proper technique for assessing for tactile fremitus. The nurse assesses for anterior respiratory excursion by placing the thumbs along the costal margin of the chest wall and instructing the patient to inhale deeply. The nurse assesses for diaphragmatic excursion by instructing the patient to take a deep breath and hold it while the diaphragm is percussed.

What is breathing in an upright position called?

The definition of orthopnea comes from the Greek words2 for upright (ortho) and breath (pnoea).

What is the medical term used when someone has an inability to breathe?

Shortness of breath — known medically as dyspnea — is often described as an intense tightening in the chest, air hunger, difficulty breathing, breathlessness or a feeling of suffocation.

What is the term for difficulty breathing while lying down?

A type of breathing difficulty while lying down is paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.